Full Member (MZIHRM) One must have a degree in Human Resource Management or its equivalent and must have been an Associate Member for three (3) years.
Package priceAssociate Member (ASZIHRM) One must have a diploma/degree in any social science; inclusive of an HRM course and must have served as affiliate member for three (3) years.
Package priceAffiliate Member (AFZIHRM) Affiliate membership is at the entry level of the spectrum of membership levels under the Institute, affiliate members are not issued with practicing certificates and are only allowed to work under the supervision of a qualified HR Practitioner. To upgrade from this category, members are required to attain the needed professional development and pass an examination required by the Institute among-st other requirements.
Package priceAffiliate Member (AFZIHRM) Affiliate membership is at the entry level of the spectrum of membership levels under the Institute, affiliate members are not issued with practicing certificates and are only allowed to work under the supervision of a qualified HR Practitioner. To upgrade from this category, members are required to attain the needed professional development and pass an examination required by the Institute among-st other requirements.
Package priceStudent Member (STUZIHRM) Students pursuing certificate/diploma/degree courses in HRM or equivalent discipline at any credible college or university are eligible to become members of the institute.
Package priceFellow (FZIHRM) This is available by approval of full Council Siting. One must have been a full member for about three years (3) with not less than ten (10) years practicing experience as Human Resource Manager, Consultant, Director or senior member at management level. He/she must have made contributions or policy formulation in their current or previous employer organisation. Must have a First Degree in Human Resource Management or its equivalent. Must have worked for a recognized organisation with proper systems and procedures. Must be an active member of the Institute and have continuously renewed his or her membership, and actively participated in the Institutes programs and activities including AGM's, workshops etc. The following will be an added advantage if a member has carried out research in the field of Human Resource management or must have published professional Articles relating to Human Resource Management, training, industrial relations and general management.
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