Claims & Settlements

The Health Care Costs Recovery Act applies to all current legal proceedings – both individual and those under the Class Proceedings Act.


Information for the Injured Party

You may wish to seek some legal advice with respect to your claim and the requirements of the Health Care Costs Recovery Act and Regulation as they relate to you. The Third Party Liability office does not provide legal advice regarding this or any other Act.

When a settlement has been reached, or a judgment obtained, the beneficiary has priority over the government in recovering funds – s. 18.

Information for Lawyers

The Health Care Costs Recovery Act and Regulation, together with the Class Proceedings Act are useful reference tools and linked to this site.

Legal proceedings filed before April 1, 2009 when the Health Care Costs Recovery Act came into force:

There is an obligation to:

There is no obligation to:

Legal proceedings filed on or after April 1, 2009:

This applies to individual proceedings and those under the Class Proceedings Act.

The Plaintiff/Beneficiary has an obligation to: